
AWL Sublists 1 sentence

Abstract Current envisaged cooperative vehicular applications require moderate to severe requirements of reliability and latency according to their purpose.
要約 現在予想される共同の輸送手段の応用は、厳しい信頼性の要求と、目的に即した潜在期間を必要としている。

In this context, we first analyze the network behavior in a realistic simulated intersection area where probability of packet reception becomes difficult to predict and models become highly complex.

Results obtained lead us to conclude that adaptation criteria of beaconing protocols is not able to support different safety applications at the same time, that is, there is a tradeoff in the selection of such criteria between enhancing applications supporting vehicles or infrastructure.

1 件のコメント:

  1. "require moderate to severe requirements"
    Your translation is good, but the original sentence is written rather carelessly, I think.

    「私たちをという結果 」  ????

    In this context, この状況において (I would need to see the previous sentence to be sure that this is the best translation.)
